Trip Info / Directions

Directions to Maine Rafting Expeditions

Rafting Check In: 8:00 a.m.


Directly at the Northern Timber Cruisers Lodge next to the Wilderness Edge Campground.


10 Northern Cruise Trail
Millinocket, ME 04462

GPS Directions

GPS Coordinates: 45.67716539294852, -68.72550964432902

For GPS Address Enter: 10 Northern Cruise Trail, Millinocket, ME 04462

Google Map Directions

  • Click on the directions link in the above map.
  • Type your address or location in the A choice in the top left hand corner of the screen/page.
  • Click on the button that says Get Directions.
  • Print

Late or Lost?

Call MRE at 207-723-9746 (Base/Hotel Phone) Ask For MRE
Or call the MRE office at 207-663-4453


FROM THE NORTH or SOUTH: TTake Exit 244 off of I-95. Take Route 11 West for 10 miles. Follow the signs for Baxter State Park through the town of Millinocket and Maine Rafting Expeditions directly after the Wilderness Edge Campground on the right hand side

FROM WILDERNESS EDGE CAMPGROUND: Take a right out of the Campground and Maine Rafting is your first right about 300 yards down the road.

FROM BAXTER STATE PARK: Head back toward Millinocket on the State Road. MRE will be on your left right before you enter the town of Millinocket. If you pass the Wilderness Edge Campground or the Saw Mill Bar and Grill you have gone to far

Lodging Details

MRE is Based directly next to the Wilderness Edge Campground in Millinocket Maine. The campgound offers basic private sites with a picnic table and access to a shower house at an affordable rate. Take advantage of being seconds away from rafting check-in or a hot shower at the end of the day.

The Moose Shed Lodge is located 1 1/2 miles down the road from the MRE Base. It is a private lodge that can hold 4-12 people. It has 2 double beds, 2 bunk beds, 2 pull out beds, and 2 roll-out beds. The lodge includes 2 full baths, a full kitchen, bar, pool table, and HD TV with cable. MRE recommends this to anyone that is rafting that is looking for a “cabin”!

Cabins and Lean-to’s and camping are located 10 miles from the MRE base at the Big Moose Inn. There is a variety of different cabins to choose from. MRE offers transportation from Big Moose to the MRE base for $5 dollars per person. Pick up and drop off at the Big Moose is possible but needs to be arranged and scheduled ahead of the trip date.


  • All cabins are located at the Big Moose Inn 10 miles from the MRE base.
  • Cost is $55 per person per night, price doesn't include taxes or fees
  • MRE offers transportation to and from the the Big Moose Inn for $5 per person.
  • There are may different cabin options to fit all group sizes and needs.
  • Reservations are required.
  • For more info or reservations, please call 207-279-1909.
  • Check out pictures of the Big Moose Inn.


  • Lean-to’s are located 10 miles from the MRE base at the Big Moose Inn.
  • Basic lean-to with a bug and privacy screen.
  • Includes fire pit and picnic table.
  • Sleeps 4-6 people.
  • $15 per person per night. ($30 minimum)
  • MRE offers transportation to and from the Big Moose Inn for $5 per person.
  • Reservation required.
  • For more info please call 207-279-1909.

Questions? Get In Touch

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  • MRE does do costomized breakfasts for groups at our base.
  • Prices vary with the menu requests.
  • Reservations and prepayment are required.

Local Options

River Lunch

Riverside steak and chicken BBQ with a veggie burger option. Sides include our famous river rice, potato salade, rolls and a cookie.


  • MRE does do costomized breakfasts for groups at our base.
  • Prices vary with the menu requests.
  • Reservations and prepayment are required.

Local Options

Gear List

What to Bring:

  • Directions, Contact and Confirmation Information.
  • Proper sleeping gear and supplies to fit your lodging accommodations.
  • Clothes to last through out your trip.
  • Secure footwear for rafting that attaches to your feet. (No flip flops. Rafting Booties are available for rent for $5.)
  • An extra pair of dry footwear to change into after the trip.
  • Bathing suit.
  • Towel.
  • A set of dry clothes to change into after the trip.
  • Fleece, thermal or synthetic clothing that are NOT COTTON!
  • Wool or thermal pair of socks for the raft trip. NO COTTON!
  • Any medications. (Don’t forget your Inhaler or Epee Pen!)
  • Sunscreen.
  • Bug Spray.
  • Food and Drinks for before and after the trip if needed. (Trip Includes riverside BBQ)
  • Water bottle
  • Waterproof Camera (Digital or Disposable). MRE doesn’t guarantee any camera to be safe from water or shock damage on any trip.
  • If you planning on wearing glasses of any kind, buy a pair of chums before the trip or MRE will make you a free pair out of duct tape! Colors range from blue, orange, or silver.
  • Gratuity for your guide is never expected, always accepted and definitely greatly appreciated.
  • Smiles and a go for it attitude with a sense of adventure!

MRE Provides:

  • Transportation to and from the river.
  • PFD, Paddle, Helmet, and Raft
  • Registered Maine Whitewater Guide.
  • Riverside Steak and Chicken BBQ
  • Snack with Water
  • Video and or Photos of the trip
  • Wetsuit
    • Wetsuit Top
    • Wetsuit Bottom
    • Booties
  • The Maine Whitewater Experience!!!

What Our Adventurers Are Saying

$159 includes wetsuits, video/photos, riverside BBQ and a full day of adventure!

Book Your Adventure!